Recently I did a post about one of my favourite Flemish painters, Frans Snyders. I mentioned his unique, individual, singular style, blah, blah, blah. Well, on a research jaunt for another post, I ran into what I thought were his paintings; ones that I'd not seen. They actually turned out to be those of his brother-in-law, Paul De Vos, from Antwerp.
Apparently (!!!), he was HEAVILY influenced by Snyders. So much so, in fact, that I'm mildly suspicious of my identifications; I am not an expert by any means, and there is so much similar. I'm confused. As an amateur lover of the canvas and brush, I get painted into these little corners more often that I would care to admit.
So, I recommend that you decide for yourself. Below are what have been identified by various sources on the web as de Vos, and you can find my post and the images of Frans Snyders HERE. Whatever the case, the chaos of each provide a similarly startling experience, so, as the kids say, it's all good.