Born in Tirana, Albania in 1982, Sidrit studied sculpture at the fine arts academy there. He's been a professional carver for fifteen years, but with the incredibly mature skills that he puts to use in these pieces of practical art, it seems like he should be a wizened old man! His education in sculpture really shows in his eye for proportion, and his taste in subject matter is quite broad; everything from Michelangelo's David, to the warrior Dwarf Gimli from the Fellowship of the Rings. It's very inspiring stuff. The professional European and Turkish pipemakers really put a great deal of time and imagination into their work, and Sidrit is very much of that old school tradition...in spite of his youth and full-arm tattoos! Look at the detailing in the Gimli pipe below; the beard braids alone are exceptionally imaginative. It's great work. I imagine they must also be a pleasure to smoke, as well, so if you're interested in owning one of these masterpieces in briar wood, click on this link HERE and/or HERE (if you're on Facebook). He's a very nice guy and responds to inquiries quickly and politely.