Here are some goodies by Greg Ruhl, Chris Caldwell, and Tom McNeely. Ruhl's Mountie seems to be blessed in his choice of a lady; I assume that this is the cover of a romance novel...I think his page lists it as such (new: I got confirmation from the man himself; it was a cover for a Harlequin romance). Chris Caldwell's "Hero in Serge" is a spunky take on our image of the Mountie, and illustrator Tom McNeely magnificently brings out their legend in just a few colours and swishes of a pen. Leif Peng, an art educator in Ontario, and good friend of McNeely, had this interesting thing to say about two of these fun artists: "Greg Ruhl shared a studio space with Tom McNeely (and several others) for a few years in the 1990s. I actually took over that space when Greg moved out." Small world, wot? Thanks to Leif for the comments and support. This batch is really fun; I dug around for some more illustrator-type goodies this time around. Please follow the links below to find more about these artists.
Angela Aston
2/25/2022 04:53:25 pm
I am trying to purchase a print/poster of the Hero in Red Serge by Chris Caldwell. I had one which I purchased when I visit the Yukon (Dawson City) in 2010; however when I left my apartment in Toronto to move to Australia, my son sold it to an admirer instead of sending it to me. I've missed it ever since. Are there any prints/posters available? How do I obtain one? I travelled to Dawson City again four weeks ago but due to Covid most businesses were closed and I was not successful in finding anything. Would really appreciate some assistance. Kind regards, Angie Aston, Sydney, Australia
6/6/2022 12:55:18 pm
I have one .. A numberd print here in Ontario... Do you remember what number yours was?
Angela Aston
6/6/2022 03:17:04 pm
Good to hear from you. No, I don't. Is your copy for sale?
Angela Aston
6/7/2022 12:53:23 am
just found the number = it's 94
Tracy Toms
2/23/2023 01:42:09 pm
What’s the value of this
6/15/2022 12:24:38 pm
Just let me know if you would like me to send it over. Send a email if that's easier
7/16/2023 01:10:51 pm
I have poster you are looking for.
6/7/2022 07:18:50 am
It is for sale, I just have never sent anything to the outback so I have no idea how much shipping would cost. I have a autographed print 419/1000 in frame.
terry hewitt
7/3/2023 11:47:54 am
I have a print (framed) signed Hero in Red Serge by C Caldwell /94
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