The setting is a mythical ancient Sparta, which is dominated by the might of the Roman Empire. Darius, played by Harrison, is sentenced to die in the arena for assisting in the escape of five gladiators from captivity. Darius, the son of the ruler of Sparta, is a well-trained fighter, and when he's put into combat against a large number of barbarians(Germans, I assume, as they have long blonde hair and wear furry animal skins), he fights like a man possessed by demons! Having survived, the Emperor sentences him to an honourable execution, but the soldiers are moved by his bravery and prowess and request his freedom; the Emperor agrees, on the condition that Darius goes back to Sparta...which is just fine by him.
When he arrives in Sparta, he is told that his father has been murdered by the treacherous villain Hiarba, who concealed the deed in the guise of a suicide; Darius swears vengeance! He goes about the task of rounding up his freed gladiator buddies to join him in the fun!
This was a dashing and jaunty experience from the first frame. The usual motley crew of misfits here was colourful and well chosen, and their chemistry together was great. There is plenty of fighting, dastardly deeds, camaraderie, and no shortage of manly buffets across the shoulders....all in the cause of fun and raucous vengeance! Gotta love some good, clean revenge, right? Well, I certainly do, and if you're of a like mind, I think you'll enjoy this one too!
GLADIATORS SEVEN is a great way to spend an hour and a half.